Blessed Basil Antony Moreau (1789 -1873) is the founder of the congregation of Holy Cross. He was a catholic priest from Le Mans, France. He was a charismatic religious leader, philosopher, an administrator, founder of a global community and a great educationist. In the aftermath of the French revolution, Basil Moreau started to rebuild both the Church and the society through formal education in France. At the invitation of the Church authorities then in India, Kolkata, Basil Moreau sent educationists to East Bengal in 1853. Enlightening individuals and empowering communities through education was started by Holy Cross missionaries in Tripura, north east India, when they started the first primary school at Mariamnagar, near Agartala in 1952. Today Holy Cross Educational foundation administers 15 schools and a college in the north east India, educating daily over 15,000 students, thanks to our competent and committed team of teachers and the non teaching staff. Holy Cross schools in the north east India have gained acceptance and credibility because while striving for academic excellence, a Holy Cross education seeks to develop students intellectual capacities within the context of a broad curriculum. Forming men and women with competence and confidence in them to embrace an unknown future has been integral to the pedagogy that has kept our campuses busy over the decades. Equal opportunities for human development and formation of moral consciousness are emphasized in our institutions; thereby students can responsibly and respectfully engage themselves with multi-ethnic society and cultures in the context of our country, India.